Companies, no matter the size should makes impact their employees, customers and vendors, as we strongly believe it is not enough to only be responsive in the midst of a natural disaster or crisis. It’s about contributing and building a community all year long.

More than ever, employees and customers want to work for a company with a strong social conscience. Developing a social conscience for Careelec not only impacts the greater good of society but it has a positive effect on employee morale and customer loyalty.

Careelec Sdn Bhd purpose of social responsibility is to give back to the community, take part in philanthropic causes, and provide positive social value by engaging in or supporting volunteering or ethically-oriented practices.

Here are how we begin :-

  • We adopt a business code of ethics
  • Implemented a workplace health and safety awareness
  • Commit to protecting the environment
  • focusing on local charities for a greater impact and opportunity for employees to get involved in volunteering.
  • company management involved—lead by example.

Government Sector

To support Penang Green Council’s Vision 2030 as a Green State by adopting the Green Office Concept through implementation of green initiatives within the office and Council ‘s Sustainable Neighbourhood Development programme (SNDP) , as local community to make positive changes in the area of sanitary, especially waste management in our office.

Private Sector

Support Dhamma Earth Propagation Eco System Project
Support Penang Adventist Hospital Heart Patients Fund
Support The Maha Mangala’s Team in the charitable path for promoting how to awakening yourself from within.
Such as promoting habits to a Healthier, Happier and Prosperous within You.